There are certain people in this world, and both Van Velden and Seymour are but two, who have absolutely no regard for anyone or anything that impedes their goal of self aggrandisement and personal profit. The fact that both these sociopaths are in key roles and enacting legislation that negatively affects the lives of thousands of Kiwis both young and old should be of concern to every fairminded person in this country.....and yet here we are
What’s being served (in those photos) is disgusting. I feel so ashamed for Seymour. That is not the standard of food we have in NZ, nor do we have to for any financial reason. Put the catering back in the hands of local & regional community/business which stimulates $$ in local communities
For Seymour to have given Compass the nation wide contract with no trial period, no soft launch or other sort of test was foolish. For him to now continue to standby and defend their slop is just malicious.
Agree my 3 kids attend schools that are part of the provided lunch scheme.My eldest child's school is one of the unlucky ones receiving meals from the new supplier. Feedback from the students who are Year 7-13 is pretty much what you said.The meals are hideous in appearance and taste. My youngest 2 who are Primary age still receive meals from their original provider at school, and the meals are much nicer and the kids actually eat them.
Local food preparation and production benefits all concerned bringing work and dignity to communities. Sarah’s Kitchen worked quietly to ensure patients were safe and engaged while healing. Compass replaced nutritious meals with glop. And here we are …
I am not sure what Compass Group do with the waste, whether it is returned to them to dispose of or if schools are expected to spend hours scraping out and rising hundreds of individually packed lunches each day. I would expect the former as the latter seems somewhat untenable.
Composting meat products is not a good idea though: it attracts vermin, and generally messes with the biota of the pile. You're not even meant to feed meat scraps to pigs unless cooked at 100C for 1hr first.
There are certain people in this world, and both Van Velden and Seymour are but two, who have absolutely no regard for anyone or anything that impedes their goal of self aggrandisement and personal profit. The fact that both these sociopaths are in key roles and enacting legislation that negatively affects the lives of thousands of Kiwis both young and old should be of concern to every fairminded person in this country.....and yet here we are
What’s being served (in those photos) is disgusting. I feel so ashamed for Seymour. That is not the standard of food we have in NZ, nor do we have to for any financial reason. Put the catering back in the hands of local & regional community/business which stimulates $$ in local communities
For Seymour to have given Compass the nation wide contract with no trial period, no soft launch or other sort of test was foolish. For him to now continue to standby and defend their slop is just malicious.
Agree my 3 kids attend schools that are part of the provided lunch scheme.My eldest child's school is one of the unlucky ones receiving meals from the new supplier. Feedback from the students who are Year 7-13 is pretty much what you said.The meals are hideous in appearance and taste. My youngest 2 who are Primary age still receive meals from their original provider at school, and the meals are much nicer and the kids actually eat them.
It is stunning how awful these new lunches are in comparison with what they were offered last year. And by stunning I mean, utterly horrendous
Perhaps they will say nobody wants the meals so then they can stop them
That is my fear.
How can you call that food...its disgusting!!
Local food preparation and production benefits all concerned bringing work and dignity to communities. Sarah’s Kitchen worked quietly to ensure patients were safe and engaged while healing. Compass replaced nutritious meals with glop. And here we are …
Really hoping that the 'slop' was actually composted, and not put in the rubbish!!
I am not sure what Compass Group do with the waste, whether it is returned to them to dispose of or if schools are expected to spend hours scraping out and rising hundreds of individually packed lunches each day. I would expect the former as the latter seems somewhat untenable.
But how soon would they collect the empties & leftovers, and how are schools expected to store them in the meantime 🤢
Composting meat products is not a good idea though: it attracts vermin, and generally messes with the biota of the pile. You're not even meant to feed meat scraps to pigs unless cooked at 100C for 1hr first.
A solution could be at least in the Auckland region, Council picks it up to compost in their biogas compost thingymajig down Reparoa way.
Even the compost rejected it.
Why can't they serve sandwiches / rolls, fruit, yoghurt and muesli bars? That's what all the other kids eat.