Such a massive loss to community and local providers, those contracts were sustaining community led social enterprises as well as feeding children and in some cases meals for elderly people. They were mostly not for profit, so not creating private wealth from taxpayer $$ and infrastructure. Now the contracts help sustain global shareholders and their supply chains, nothing more because low paid work costs communities.

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It only makes sense if you put it in the context of killing public education AND continuing to punish people for not being ‘sorted’

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Just like Seymour the lunches are small and nasty.

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It is silly of the contractors who wanted to make lunches as cheap as possible. It will backfire on them for doing so.

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Compass have such a terrible track record, it was always going to end badly - I can’t believe (well I can lol) that Seymour took an excellent lunch program with local providers and utterly destroyed it into something entirely useless

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Their website has the nutritional information for the meals. They are a paltry 150 to 250 calories each. For 1/3 of a growing child’s food a day is no where near sufficient…. 800 calories might be closer to what an average teen needs

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😱 Luxon & Seymour don't improve with time in the job but on the other hand CHLOE 🔥🔥🔥💪 And what a doofus Brownlie/Speaker is 💩 Query: have the NACT1st polis actually MET children or ever been involved in prepping food they will actually eat ⁉️🤔 I will accept that introducing a huge new system might result in initial logistical hiccups (but aren't Compass supposed to deliver meals to places as their JOB in here & other countriesbefore this contract?) but that doesn't excuse the lack of quality nor does it excuse ditching all those local jobs & high quality meals for mythical redirections to education funding - Yeah... Right! 🤬

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If Seymour continues to stand by the appalling food he insists is just the thing for our schoolkids. Can I suggest the elected members of the three “governing parties" are served the same food that school kids recieve, or not, for lunch for 3 weeks. Nicola Willis and Gerry Brownlee can have two meals each on those days as they obviously need them.

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