I would like the opposition pāti(s) to be louder on this (even) nastier legislation. The least they should be saying is that it will be gone in the first days of the next government.

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Thanks for this! I got very confused about this process and if I should submit or not. It's super complex and shadowy. What was helpful was looking to where this kind of reform has occurred and the impacts are invariably environmental and punishing for indigenous peoples.

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Oh, isn't it so very vague!! It's worder SO CAREFULLY and you really do have to dig to see what it's so dangerous - and have an understanding of how these policy wordings play out in reality. Thank you for submitting! I have set aside tomorrow to write mine (today was for funding applications and treaty principles!)

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Why isn’t the RS bill not listed Make a Submission page at NZ Parliament website? What am I missing?

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Because it's not at that stage yet - it is still in the "consultation" on a proposed Bill (kind of like the pre-Bill stage), so is on the Ministry site ahead of being introduced to Parliament

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I saw it on their site. What a stupid piece of legislation not just for its malign intent but its layering of otiose complexity onto a legal structure already overburdened with complexity. If they want to reduce baroque regulation, repeal the Companies Act.

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Oh, ikr?! It's so very carefully worded to seem benign and inoffensive. But if you have any experience with policies and legislation, it fairly screams nanny state and facism. Sigh.

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I suspect it is intended to enhance the position of those with an exploitative mentality but it may well be a double edged sword. Aspects of the rule of law? If, like me you see river, lake and sea beds as property belonging to the indigenous by default then they can kiss goodbye to thinks like tidal electric generation, digging hopes in under the ocean and so on.

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