Well said Dr Bex! I was totally appalled (although unfortunately not surprised) by Luxon's comments. Playing to his base supporters :(

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The comments on social media are very much reflected in what he said, which tells me he cares about popularity rather than our kids. Deeply disappointing.

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😱 Apart from ANYTHING else -* Marmite is high in sodium so not a suitable standalone food & certainly not a substitute for what was in place until Seymour wrecked it all * Some people (me!) can't eat apples. That aside, how do you say you are completely out of touch with everyday families without saying the actual words⁉️ Oh right... He already did... "wealthy & sorted" 🤷

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And…”entitled “

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I wish I could upvote this 10 times. Well said, Dr Bex and thank you.

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Thank you! It is so utterly enraging

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Agreed, it's all quite unsettling and very sad. Thanks for your mahi, Dr Bex and your excellent coverage.

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I'm becoming a serial Emailer. I email Luxon and my local MP on a regular basis voicing my disproval of what their doing.

I see another one coming.

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That video made me want to chuck up my own lunch, which was home-made, nutritious, tasty and cheap, unlike the slop Seymour and his apologists keep pushing. Thanks for shining a light on the uncaring cruelty of Luxon's throwaway lines. There are peole out there who, like him, have no idea, and care less, about the lives of kids living in poverty. Shame on them.

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My wife quipped “Marie Antoinette said let them eat cake”, warning to Luxon, that didn’t end well!

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No one has mentioned that Marmite and apples are expensive.. Cheap White bread tastes like cardboard.

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